Início " Polyprint revela sua primeira impressora DTF rolo a rolo na FESPA 2024 

Polyprint revela sua primeira impressora DTF rolo a rolo na FESPA 2024 

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THESSALONIKI | Greece – March 2024 – Filmjet represents Polyprint’s response to the industry’s demand for a reliable and stable DTF solution from a trusted manufacturer. The company has dedicated substantial effort and research to integrating new technologies that ensure a seamless customer experience with exceptional service and support.

Key Features and Advantages of Filmjet

•Constant film tension, along with air and vacuum powder removal technologies, address common DTF challenges like media shifting and static electricity build-up. This allows for extended print runs without the need for user intervention.
•A smart system control automates all processes (printing, powder application, and curing), safeguarding against print job and machine damage while ensuring user safety.
•Integrated ink agitation and white ink circulation systems reduce clogging risks. Automated powder
application and powder recycling contribute to optimal results and reduced labor costs.
•60cm roll-width, 4 x i3200 printheads deliver printing speeds of up to 24m² per hour.

George Benglopoulos, CEO of Polyprint states: “We are excited to introduce our solution for professional Roll to Roll DTF printing, which will help established DTF producers to increase their productivity and lower their costs. Our pioneering effort in offering a DTF solution with DTG printers—the DTF Xpress, launched in April 2021—along with valuable customer feedback, has inspired us to develop this advanced technology that addresses current challenges and moves the DTF industry forward.”



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